What Is Duffy’s Success Rate?

Discover what makes Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab one of the most successful treatment centers in the country.

Achieving a 90% Completion Rate

1. Everybody Defines Success Differently.

Is success staying sober for one year or 15 years or a lifetime? Is it reclaiming your marriage, your job, your health and your relationships? Or is it even more holistic, such as living a satisfying and fulfilling life without the influence of substances? (Is that even measurable?)

This is why even the government’s division for substance abuse, SAMHSA, does not even attempt to measure the success rate of treatment centers.

But the bottom line is this: success is defined differently for different people. And if the number doesn’t represent something that is meaningful to you, what good is it?

2. You Need Good Data in Order to Get a Good Analysis

There is really only one source from which accurate data can be mined— the person who actually went through treatment. Suppose we were to contact all of them. How many can we find? How many will respond? Of those who respond, how many will answer honestly? For example, if most of the people who respond are the ones who are sober, then the data is skewed positively.

Another problem is how to define relapse. Honestly, shooting straight about relapse is difficult. Many have too much shame or guilt to admit they have relapsed. Some determine a relapse by the amount they drank, not if they drank. At what point does it qualify as a relapse?

Without accurate data, success rate is meaningless.

3. Every Treatment Center Publishes Different Success Rates

Measuring success rates are not standardized. For example, one treatment center may publish a 66% percent success rate over 10 years and another publish a 97% success rate over 6 months. Which center has the better success rate? Would the data be sufficient to make a decision about where to seek treatment?

Of course not. That’s comparing apples to oranges, and the comparison is not valid.

How Do I Know If The Treatment Program Will Work?

If you’re asking about success rates, what you really want to know is, “If we make this investment, will it work for me?” The answer is emphatically “Yes!”  It will work for you, but you will have to work the solution which you are given.  Recovery is a process, not a cure.  If you don’t work it, no one can help you!  There is no magic potion or silver bullet.

Perhaps the question you may want to consider is this:  If I get the tools, will I use them?  At Duffy’s, we do everything we can to ensure you understand and know how to utilize the tools that will make you successful in long-term recovery.


The best way to determine the quality and success of a treatment program is to talk to those who have been there. By listening to their experiences, you can get a pretty good idea of what this treatment center is about and whether or not it will help you. Here is what they are saying.


We are real people with answers helping real people with needs. Since 1967, we have helped over 38,000 people achieve sobriety.


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Trusted by 38,000 families since 1967.

My drug addiction was controlling my life, and I was in a free fall heading towards rock bottom. The only path I could see was to keep using and hope for the best. That’s when I learned of another path, getting help and starting treatment. I’m now 3 years sober and have never been happier. The light is at the end of the tunnel, reach for it.

– A former guest