Residential Opioid Addiction Treatment Center in Napa Valley, California

With over 38,000 guests treated and a completion rate over 90%, Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab outperforms other residential opioid addiction treatment centers by building the necessary foundation for long-term recovery through expert 12-Step treatment for opioid addiction in Northern California.

Learn More About Opioid Addiction Treatment

Learn more about opioid addiction treatment at Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab in Northern California

The abuse of opioids, a category of drugs that includes heroin, morphine, and many prescription medications, is a prevalent problem in the United States and in many other nations throughout the world. From the misguided misuse of opioid-based prescription medications for purposes of self-medication to the recreational abuse of heroin or morphine, opioid abuse exposes individuals to a wide range of physical and psychological harm, including immediate negative effects and long-term damage. Opioids are dangerous and addictive drugs, and when a person individual becomes ensnared by opioid dependence, which is known clinically as opioid use disorder, he or she may be incapable of regaining control over his or her life without effective professional help.

Thankfully, such effective professional help exists. At Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab in Northern California, experienced addiction rehab experts at our heroin abuse treatment center possess the knowledge and compassion that is necessary to help men and women rebuild their lives after having endured the devastation of opioid addiction. At Duffy’s, the despair of opioid addiction can be transformed into the promise of a healthier, more productive, and more satisfying future.

How to Help a Loved One

Helping a loved one get treatment for opioid addiction

If a close friend or family member has been abusing or has become dependent upon heroin, morphine, prescription medications, or another type of opioid, it is completely understandable for you to be confused, afraid, and even angry. However, you should not feel either helpless or hopeless. By taking a few simple yet vitally important steps, you can make a lasting positive difference in your loved one’s life. Please consider the following:

  • Learn about the signs and symptoms of opioid abuse, the disease of addiction, and the many ways that opioids can impact a person’s mind and body.
  • Research the types of treatment options that have helped individuals who were struggling with opioid and opiate addiction, and identify specific heroin treatment center that provide the level of care that your loved one needs.
  • Talk to your loved one. Express your observations and concerns. Talk about your research, and share your thoughts about the value of treatment. Be prepared to engage in an open conversation, not deliver a lecture. Your loved one’s words and actions will give you essential insights into what he or she has been experiencing, and will guide your future efforts.
  • When your loved one is ready, volunteer to help make appointments, arrange program visits, provide transportation, and handle other logistics.
  • If possible, participate in family therapy, family support activities, and similar opportunities while your loved one is in treatment. This will help you to process the ways that your loved one’s substance abuse has impacted your own life, and will help you learn how to provide meaningful support going forward.

Remember that deciding to enter treatment can be a difficult decision, and pursuing recovery is a long process. Your loved one will have successes and setbacks. Do not lose sight of the fact that he or she has a lot of work to do, that every day sober is a victorious day, and that relapse does not mean failure. Through it all, continue to be a source of support, encouragement, and love.

Why Consider Treatment

Why consider treatment for opioid addiction at Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab in Northern California

Long-term opioid abuse and the development of opioid use disorder can inflict considerable physical, mental, and emotional damage on an individual. Dangerously low blood pressure, irregular heart rate, and breathing problems are among the many types of physical harm that can result from opioid abuse and addiction. Anxiety, paranoia, hallucinations, and cognitive damage are among the mental and psychological ramifications. With his or her mind and body damaged by continued opioid abuse, a person may be rendered incapable of meeting his or her academic, professional, and personal responsibilities; contributing to healthy relationships, and otherwise participating in a productive and satisfying life. A destroyed family, unemployment, financial ruin, continued physical and mental decline, incarceration, and homelessness are very real possibilities a person who does not get the care or addiction treatment that he or she needs in order to overcome opioid use disorder.

Types of Treatment

Types of opioid addiction treatment offered at Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab in Northern California

Situated on 23 acres of tranquil, picturesque land in Northern California, Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab is a pioneering provider of top notch addiction treatment for men and women aged 18 and older who wish to reclaim their lives from substance abuse and chemical dependency. With a mission to break through the ties that can bind a person to a substance or substances, we offer invaluable education, compassion, and the skills needed achieve and maintain sobriety. Duffy’s is truly where the destructive path of addiction can come to an end.

Grounded in the 12-Step principles of Alcoholics Anonymous, our opiate and opioid addiction treatment center’s transformative care & experience offered can improve the lives of all who come for care. Trained, experienced, and dedicated staff members, many of whom have worked at our center for several years, go above and beyond to ensure that guests’ recovery journeys are both life-changing and meaningful. Upon completion of our streamlined admissions process, individualized treatment plans are created by these staff members so as to address and treat the concerns our guests come to us with. Within these plans, the following proven-effective and evidenced-based methods of care may be included as part of a man or woman’s experience at Duffy’s:

Medication management: If a guest requires medication in order to manage the symptoms of a mental health condition while working on recovering opioid use disorder, Duffy’s is pleased to be able to facilitate meetings with a psychiatrist on an as-needed basis. Our staff assists guests in providing them access to their medications, and the dosages administered are monitored closely so as to ensure the safety of all guests who require pharmaceutical interventions while in our care.

Individual therapy: Each man and woman who chooses to recover at Duffy’s is assigned a primary care counselor for the duration of his or her heroin abuse treatment. These staff members facilitate individual therapy sessions two times each week so that guests are able to process their feelings, emotions, and experiences in a private setting with a qualified professional. We believe that it is beneficial for those who are grappling with an opioid addiction or opiate abuse to take part in individual therapy, as this method of care allows them to openly discuss their experiences in a setting that is extremely conducive to both healing and recovering.

Group therapy: So as to provide guests with optimal support, Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab is proud to offer several group therapy opportunities to guests who are battling addictions to opioids and other substances. Peer-led group therapy sessions occur four days per week and are driven by the topics that are personal and relevant to our guests’ recovery journeys. Additionally, our staff conducts group therapy sessions once per day, which include a check-in and cover the following addiction and recovery related topics:

  • Self-awareness
  • Relapse prevention
  • Acceptance
  • Mindfulness
  • Responsibility
  • Powerless and unmanageability

Experiential therapy: Typically occurring during staff-led group therapy sessions, Duffy’s supplies various experiential therapy sessions during a guest’s time with us. These sessions enable men and women to reconnect with themselves, and allow them to experience healing on a profoundly deeper level. The following experiential therapies are those that a guest can participate in while working to overcome an addiction to opioids or opiates:

  • Meditation
  • Art therapy
  • Trust the Process
  • Music and recovery
  • Trust-building exercises, including surrender falls
  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
  • Crossing the Line

Family therapy: Because Duffy’s is committed to helping both guests and their loved ones in Northern California when a sedative opiate or narcotic addiction is affecting their lives, our treatment center’s programming includes family therapy sessions. Occurring weekly, these sessions help those we treat and those closest to them heal from the pain addiction has caused and become a united front against further substance abuse. Additionally, we also offer educational groups on the weekends that are led by our staff and provide guests’ loved ones with the information and support they require at this stage in their love one’s recovery. Lastly, we afford each guest with the opportunity to request a private family session with his or her primary care counselor near the end of his or her time with us so as to prepare for what lies ahead after leaving Duffy’s.

Depending on the guest’s needs, we can customize a plan of treatment that befits what the individual needs during his or her recovery journey. We work side-by-side with the men and women who come to Duffy’s, and we will do all that we can to ensure that each person entrusted into our care is receiving only the most appropriate methods of treatment. Because of this, the inclusion and frequency of the above interventions within a guest’s treatment plan will rely on where the individual is at in his or her recovery.

Nearing the end of a guest’s time at our center, our staff will collaborate with each person to determine the most appropriate follow-up services that will allow him or her to remain on the path of recovery for the long-term. Additionally, for those who receive care at Duffy’s for a minimum of 21 days, three months of continuing care services will be offered, which include therapy sessions with addiction specialists, drug screenings, and 12-Step process groups via Full Circle Recovery. We supply this offering as a means of upholding our commitment to helping those we treat achieve both their treatment goals and the sober lives that they are capable of living.

In choosing Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab, you or your loved one will become part of our family. Regardless if you complete our Relapse Restart, Foundational, or Extensive Relapse Prevention Program, you or someone you care about will be treated with the dignity and respect that is deserving of all people, and will receive the care needed to win the war against an addiction to opioids. Do not let opioid abuse or addiction diminish your life for one more day. Call us today and begin your successful pursuit of a much brighter tomorrow.


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Trusted by 38,000 families since 1967.

Feeling more like a vacation than a recovery facility and the staff feeling more like friends went a long way for me in linking recovery to a positive experience. Having such a close-knit group as well as the expertise and experience of the staff got me on my way. Thank you guys a ton! 4 years and 2 months strong.

– A former guest