Residential Ketamine Abuse Treatment Center in Napa Valley, California

With over 38,000 guests treated and a completion rate over 90%, Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab outperforms other residential ketamine addiction treatment centers by building the necessary foundation for long-term recovery through expert 12-Step treatment for ketamine abuse in Northern California.

Learn More About Ketamine Abuse Treatment

Learn more about ketamine abuse treatment at Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab in Northern California

Ketamine is a powerful drug that is most commonly used in hospitals as an anesthetic, to treat postoperative pain, or to sedate patients who are suffering from traumatic shock. Unfortunately, effects such as extreme sedation, memory loss, and a sense of euphoric tranquility make ketamine a popular recreational drug.

When ketamine is used in closely supervised medical environments, the drug can be safe and beneficial. However, any abuse of ketamine can expose you to considerable harm, including addiction.

Ketamine abuse and addiction can be difficult to overcome without effective professional care. When you choose to enter treatment at a program such as Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab, you can receive the comprehensive services that will prepare you for a healthier tomorrow. With our help, you can end your dependence upon ketamine and live a drug-free life.

How to Help a Loved One

Helping a loved one get treatment for ketamine abuse

If a family member or friend has been abusing ketamine, you are right to be concerned. But you should not feel helpless or hopeless. You can play an essential role in getting your loved one the help that they need. Please consider the following:

  • Educate yourself about ketamine, as well as the disease of addiction. In order to provide the most beneficial support, you need to know as much as you can about the challenges that your loved one is facing.
  • Research treatment options, and identify programs that seem to be a good fit for your loved one.
  • Talk to your loved one. Express your concern, share what you have learned, and emphasize your love and support. Most importantly, listen to how your loved one responds.
  • Approach this effort without anger or judgment. Regardless of what prompted your loved one to first abuse ketamine, addiction is a disease. It is not evidence of poor character or a lack of willpower. Your loved one needs help.
  • When your loved one is ready, provide whatever logistical support you can. Offer to accompany them to appointments, provide transportation, or arrange to care for children or pets. Remove obstacles that may prevent your loved one from getting help.
  • Get help for yourself. Enlist a small group of trusted friends or family members to help you. If necessary, schedule an appointment with a therapist or counselor for yourself. Do not ignore your physical or emotional needs.

Finally, remember that recovery from ketamine abuse will be a long process for your loved one. Set realistic expectations, and expect both successes and setbacks. Prepare to be a source of love and support for months and years to come.

Why Consider Treatment

Why consider treatment for ketamine abuse at Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab in Northern California

Untreated ketamine addiction can be devastating. The continued abuse of this drug can wreak havoc on a person’s physical and mental health. It can also undermine a person’s ability to work, attend school, engage in healthy relationships, and otherwise participate in a satisfying independent lifestyle. Without proper care, emerging from the downward spiral of ketamine abuse and addiction can seem like an impossible accomplishment.

However, when you get help at an effective center such as Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab, you discover the truth. Treatment works, and freedom from ketamine addiction is within your grasp. At Duffy’s, you will begin to heal from the impact of ketamine abuse and start to prepare for long-term recovery. You will address the issues that may have contributed to your ketamine abuse, and will develop the skills and strategies that will support your healthier future.

Types of Treatment

Types of ketamine abuse treatment offered at Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab in Northern California

Located in northern Napa Valley on 23 beautiful acres, Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab is home to a comprehensive addiction treatment program for men and women over the age of 18. Our staff provides the hope, motivation, and encouragement you need to obtain a life of sobriety.

At Duffy’s, we create individualized treatment plans based on the unique needs of each guest. During your stay, the following interventions may be incorporated into your experience:

Medication management: In situations where a guest is suffering from symptoms of a mental health concern in addition to struggling with an addiction to ketamine, they can meet with a psychiatrist for medication management services.

Individual therapy: Individual therapy can be an invaluable tool in overcoming the compulsion to use ketamine. These sessions consist of one-on-one meetings with an assigned counselor.

Group therapy: By engaging in group therapy, guests can gain support from peers and offer support to others who are dealing with addiction. The topics covered in these sessions may include:

  • Self-awareness
  • Mindfulness
  • Powerlessness and unmanageability
  • Acceptance
  • Demystifying addiction
  • Relapse prevention

Additionally, gender-specific specialty groups are offered once each week.

Experiential therapy: Experiential therapies provide a healthy emotional outlet, and encourage healing of the mind and body. Examples of experiential therapies include:

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
  • Meditation
  • Art therapy
  • Music and recovery
  • Trust the Process
  • Crossing the Line
  • Trust-building exercises, including surrender falls

Family therapy: When a person is struggling with an addiction to ketamine, it affects their friends and loved ones. Family therapy at Duffy’s provides guests and their loved ones with an opportunity to:

  • Work on healing any strain that the addiction may have caused
  • Learn about addiction
  • Process how the presence of an addiction has impacted their lives

When a guest’s time at Duffy’s draws to a close, our staff provides a thorough discharge plan to promote continued success in recovery. We also work with an off-site service called Full Circle Recovery, whose services are available to guests who have completed 21 or more days of treatment at Duffy’s. The Full Circle Recovery experience includes three months of individual counseling sessions, 12-Step groups, and assistance in finding sponsorship.

If you or someone in your life is battling an addiction to ketamine, please do not hesitate to contact the knowledgeable professionals at Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab. With our help, you can overcome your addiction, and a new life can begin.


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