Northern California’s Top Sex Addiction Treatment Program for Chemsex

At Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab, we understand that an addiction can affect nearly every facet of a person’s wellness, including their emotional, mental, and physical health. And we recognize that when it comes to complex challenges like chemsex addiction, comprehensive care is essential. That’s why we are committed to delivering specialty programming that addresses both substance misuse and sex addiction for those who are struggling with chemsex addiction. 

What Is Sex Addiction to Chemsex?

Chemsex is a term that describes the use of illicit drugs during sex to enhance experiences, increase stamina, and reduce inhibitions. In addition to being linked to higher rates of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, chemsex can lead to a range of physical and psychological challenges, including sex addiction, substance use disorders, and mental health concerns.  

Because chemsex fuses the use of drugs and sexual activity, it can be a highly addictive practice. The combination of substances and sex activates the reward center of the brain, which reinforces the behavior and drastically impacts a person’s brain circuitry. These changes in brain chemistry can lead to altered moods, perceptions, feelings, and behaviors. As a person repeatedly engages in chemsex, they begin to build a tolerance, which means that they must increase the frequency and intensity of drug use and sexual experiences to get the same rush.  

Chemsex can involve the use of a variety of substances, including:  

  • Methamphetamines 
  • Cocaine  
  • Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) 
  • Ketamine 
  • Ecstasy 

People may initially engage in chemsex for a number of different reasons. In some instances, those who are struggling with distressful emotions may turn to chemsex to numb feelings such as loneliness, embarrassment, and shame. Others may use substances to increase confidence during sex. In any case, a person who participates in chemsex practices may quickly develop a chemsex addiction, which is a form of sex addiction.  

You may be asking yourself, “What is a sex addiction and is it treatable?” Sex addiction, or out of control sexual behavior (OCSB), is characterized by an intense focus on sexual urges, fantasies, or activities that disrupts a person’s ability to function on a day-to-day basis. Fortunately, sex addiction is treatable, and care from a qualified provider can help you make the lifestyle changes needed to get on a path to a better quality of life. 

Understanding the signs of sex addiction can help you recognize when sexual behavior is becoming compulsive. Common signs of sex addiction include: 

  • Inability to control sexual impulses or urges 
  • Spending an excessive amount of time thinking about sexual behaviors 
  • Conflicts at home, at work, or with loved ones due to time spent thinking about or engaging in sex 
  • Overwhelming feelings of guilt or shame  
  • Inability to experience satisfaction from repeated sexual activities  

Chemsex Treatment Program in Calistoga, California

Duffy’s offers a sex addiction treatment program that is designed to address the unique needs of our guests who are struggling with chemsex addiction or OCSB. The program curriculum covers important topics related to sex addiction treatment, including the OCSB model, chemsex, and how addictions can develop as a result of chemsex practices.  

Guests in our sex addiction rehab program participate in guided discussions and exercises that can help them make strides toward meaningful personal growth. Through sex addiction counseling and lectures, program participants can learn how to improve communication skills, set healthy boundaries, and take action to protect and care for their sexual health after programming.  

Our sex addiction treatment curriculum is presented through a series of modules that address the risks associated with chemsex while also celebrating individual choice, culture, and pride in the community. Our hope is that by openly discussing how chemsex can lead to an addiction to sex and the high risk for relapse during early recovery, we can help prepare our guests for life after sex addiction treatment so that they are set up for success.  

If you or someone you love needs sex addiction help, we encourage you to reach out to our team today. At Duffy’s, our highly trained professionals deliver individualized care that can help you break free from the grips of chemsex addiction and begin your journey to a substance-free, healthier future. 

Chemsex: Sex Addiction Treatment Summary

The chemsex program at Duffy’s is led by a certified holistic sex educator (CHSE). Our CHSE provides sex addiction counseling and guides participants through a series of modules that are designed to address sex addiction and promote long-term recovery from substance use. 

In our premier chemsex program, we provide extensive sex addiction counseling through a series of educational sessions to help those in need better understand chemsex risks and work toward sustained recovery. We offer a safe, confidential environment where they can learn to manage compulsive thoughts and behaviors in a productive way.  

Love in recovery module: In the first module, guests who need sex addiction help learn to view love as a self-controlled action instead of an external force. They explore topics such as the role of hormones, the effect of drugs and alcohol on love, love languages, and how to build the internal capacity for intimacy, passion, and commitment. 

Communication and boundaries module: During sex addiction rehab, this module is designed to help participants understand how their ability to communicate and set healthy boundaries can be influenced by relationship structure and sense of self. The curriculum covers relationship models, the concept of the integrated self, and the importance of saying no.  

Sexual function in recovery module: This unit of our sex addiction treatment rehab program helps participants gain a better understanding of sexual function in recovery and learn coping strategies for managing challenges. Discussion topics include the four parts of sexual function, the dual control model, normalizing the loss of libido, and reasons for using drugs and alcohol to control sexual function.  

Safe and sane ideal module: This module helps guests who are addicted to sex begin to shape a personal ideal for future relationships and sexual behavior. Chemsex addiction treatment program participants attend a lecture called “The Past, the Ideal, and the Way Forward” to help them learn how to use past experiences to make healthier decisions in the future. 

Chemsex and OCSB module: In this module, participants learn to identify the differences between OCSB, sex addiction, chemsex addiction, and an active libido and sex life and apply learnings to their own behaviors. They also engage in discussions that explore the relationship between shame and chemsex addiction as well as sex addiction rehab options. 

Recognizing relapse risk module: The sex addiction treatment curriculum in this module is designed to help program participants develop the ability to assess sexual situations and associate a risk level for potential relapse. They learn and practice valuable tools, like self-reflection and the stop-and-think method, that they can utilize while making future decisions. 

Myths of dating and relationships in recovery module: In this portion of our sex addiction treatment program, participants learn to apply sexual health skills to dating and relationships and attend a lecture on the 10 myths of dating and relationships in recovery. 

Sexit plan module: In the last unit, each participant applies their learnings by making actionable plans to protect and care for their sexual health after sex addiction treatment. They participate in a final discussion about goals and actionable steps and take their first step by scheduling one appointment after treatment to support their sexual health.  

Chemsex Programming Decreases Relapse Risk

At Duffy’s, located in Calistoga, California, we are committed to delivering innovative treatment for individuals who are addicted to sex that can help them get on a path to a healthier, more fulfilling future. Our aim is to provide focused care that meets their unique needs so that they can be better prepared to achieve long-term success after sex addiction rehab. 

Because chemsex addiction involves both drug and sex addiction, the recovery process can be complex. That’s why it’s important to find a provider that offers comprehensive care that addresses every concern a person is facing. Without receiving effective treatment for both forms of addiction, those who are seeking recovery from chemsex addiction may be at a greater risk for relapse when they return to an active sex life. 

We ensure that guests in our sex addiction treatment program have access to the information and skills training they need to decrease their risk for future relapse. Through sex addiction counseling, they can learn to identify triggers, manage stress, and enhance communication skills. Most importantly, our sex addiction treatment program curriculum is designed to help those in need improve self-efficacy. We believe that when a person is confident in their ability to succeed, they can achieve greater success after sex addiction treatment. 

When you are ready to begin your journey to recovery from chemsex addiction, the team at Duffy’s is here to help. Our caring staff of professionals has a shared goal of guiding each of our guests through sex addiction treatment that can help them overcome challenges and instill hope for their future. We can provide you with the relapse prevention training, education, structured discipline, and compassionate care you need to build a solid foundation for improved wellness.  

This content was written on behalf of and reviewed by the clinical staff at Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab.  


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