What if my Loved One Gets Fired?

When staging an intervention, one of the steps we talk about is forming a team because your loved one will be more likely to listen when confronted by a group of people rather than just one person. We also stress the importance of including the loved one’s employer as a team member–something that may cause you to gasp or recoil in disbelief.

Should I Really Get Their Boss Involved?

While there are so many reasons we recommend that the boss is included in an intervention team, this still raises the important question: “What if my loved one gets fired?”

Many families are reluctant to involve the workplace for fear that their loved one will get fired as soon as the boss knows of the alcohol or drug problem. However, many companies have policies supporting treatment and recovery, and some even have an employee assistance program (EAP) that provides guidelines regarding medical leave for chemical dependency treatment.

If it’s not appropriate to call the boss directly, you can always ask get the number for EAP. But chances are, the boss already has an idea about what is happening. Bosses are rarely completely surprised.

What's Most Important?

The reality is that your loved one is more likely to get fired if they are caught using than if they are open about seeking treatment. (And the American with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination against people seeking help for chemical dependency.)

The long-term consequences of addiction are far worse than losing a job so if you’re still in doubt, ask yourself this question: Which is worse: losing a job or losing everything? 

Read more about how to help your loved one by staging an intervention.


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Hi, my name is Linda. In 1992 it was the biggest day of my life. Why? That was the day I entered Mr. Duffy’s house, I had a choice to live or die. I chose to live.

– A former guest