Drug Use on the Job

Here in the Golden State, our communities bustle with a wealth of opportunity. There are countless ways to advance professionally, working alongside leaders in a variety of industries. Here in California, we’re proud of our workforce and all they’ve accomplished, but beneath the surface of career success and economic viability lies an unfortunate truth. Californians from all walks of life suffer from the negative impact of addiction, and countless individuals are fighting the battle of substance abuse on a daily basis.

Aside from the damaging physical consequences of abusing drugs or alcohol, addiction can negatively impact one’s ability to maintain healthy relationships with friends and family, and perform to the best of one’s ability at work. As the addiction progresses, the affected person’s ability to function becomes more and more compromised. It may be harder to keep track of schedules, multitask, and maintain emotional regulation within the work environment, and co-occurring disorders such as depression and anxiety will only exacerbate the problem.

If you haven’t had personal experience with addiction, you may wonder about these faceless individuals who are struggling with substance abuse each day. The truth is, they are your friends and neighbors, your boss or coworker, or someone you might pass on your commute each day. Addiction doesn’t discriminate by race or class, and affects every segment of the population. Consider the following professions, and how substance abuse might affect individuals who hold these occupations. An addiction can certainly impact one’s livelihood, but the consequences also extend to our communities and beyond.

  • On a daily basis, lawyers manage complicated judicial matters and legal briefings that would make many heads spin. An addiction may compromise their ability to juggle all the tasks at hand, and could potentially result in them being disbarred if their ability to execute sound, ethical judgement becomes compromised.
  • Artists have, at times, been known to misuse substances as part of the creative process. But a clouded mind and erratic behavior creates distraction and does not allow for an artist to do his or her best work.
  • Chefs and restaurant workers make the meals we share with friends, families, and colleagues. Restaurants are important gathering spaces in our communities, but if a chef’s clarity is compromised by drugs or alcohol, our safety could be at risk.
  • Nurses bandage our wounds and offer lifesaving care. Their high-stress jobs and access to prescription drugs puts them at a heightened risk for substance abuse. Doctors and nurses struggling with addiction aren’t only a danger to themselves. Rather, they could be putting the public’s health at risk if their ability to reason and perform in emergency situations is hindered.
  • Accountants are responsible for crunching the numbers that keep our businesses afloat. If an accountant is abusing drugs or alcohol, the mistakes they make could be costly and cause their clients to be faced with legal vulnerability.
  • Software developers are individuals who are tasked with both creative and technical execution in their work. When their functioning is compromised by drugs or alcohol, their ability to innovate will be limited.
  • School teachers are tasked with caring for one of our community’s most precious assets, our children. For some students, their teacher is the most consistent adult figure in their lives. These children look to their classroom teacher to make them feel safe at school with a predictable, caring presence. Drug or alcohol abuse can make one’s personality increasingly erratic, and can have a damaging impact on the student/teacher relationship.

At Duffy’s, we’ve treated over 36,000 guests and we’re proud of our legacy of providing quality treatment services to guests from all walks of life. Our 95% completion rate sets us apart from other recovery centers, and demonstrates the high level of care we provide. No matter your background, we invite you to explore opportunities for healing at Duffy’s.