Category: Disease

What is addiction? And why is it often called a “disease”? How do I know if I’m addicted? Can I have a psychological dependence on alcohol or drugs, but not be addicted? When do I need treatment to overcome a substance abuse problem? Is there hope for me?

Compulsive Gamblers at Increased Risk for Alcohol Abuse

An addiction to gambling is a serious mental health disorder that can quickly ravage an individual’s life if treatment is not sought to halt the destructive compulsions and behaviors that are characteristic of this condition. Gambling disorder is the only non-substance-related addiction that is included in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual … Read More

Prescription Pill Abuse in Sacramento County

Heroin. Morphine. OxyContin. Vicodin. Mention the term “dangerous opioids” to most people, and these four substances are likely to be the first drugs that come to mind. Talk about dangerous opioids with someone in the Sacramento area, and it’s increasingly likely that he or she will add another drug to that list: Fentanyl. A extremely … Read More

The Importance of Leaving the City for Treatment

Stepping away from one’s everyday life poses many advantages when taking on the endeavor of becoming sober. Residential treatment, an option for care that enables men and women to fully focus on recovery in a setting that is free from the temptation of using substances, is a level of care that has helped countless individuals … Read More

Lessons From John Lennon and His Song “Cold Turkey”

“Temperature’s rising Fever is high Can’t see no future Can’t see no sky My feet are so heavy So is my head I wish I was a baby I wish I was dead Cold turkey has got me on the run My body is aching Goose-pimple bone Can’t see no body Leave me alone My … Read More

Why I’m Thankful for Sobriety

As our time of thanks nears, I am recalling the many Thanksgiving meals I have attended. Generally, the group that I’m with will pause before indulging, and share the things they are grateful for. Health, having a job, and being with loved ones’ seem to prevail as standard statements. Everyone that I am close to … Read More