The Importance of Leaving the City for Treatment

Stepping away from one’s everyday life poses many advantages when taking on the endeavor of becoming sober. Residential treatment, an option for care that enables men and women to fully focus on recovery in a setting that is free from the temptation of using substances, is a level of care that has helped countless individuals win the war against addiction and chemical dependency. However, for the busy professional, residential treatment may not be the most conducive treatment option when one’s career does not allow for such a sabbatical to work on becoming substance-free. When this is the case, the prospect of seeking treatment should not be completely abandoned. Rather, other treatment options should be considered.

There are several options for care that can both help a person make great strides towards achieving sobriety and accommodate a busy and demanding work schedule. And while it may seem as though these types of treatment programs are few and far between, they do exist and can help even the most senior member of an organization reach his or her recovery goals.

In many instances, those with arduous work schedules are inclined to pursue treatment programs close to home and/or work so as to maintain the responsibilities of a fast-paced career. Short-term programs that are located away from one’s place of employment and the hustle and bustle of everyday life, however, have proven to be quite effective for these individuals in the long-term. For many, certain atmospheres, situations, and/or surroundings can be triggers for substance abuse. Life in a city, for example, can often drive a person to misuse prescription medications, abuse illicit substances, and/or excessively drink alcohol as a means of coping with noise, limited space, traffic, and the tense go, go, go pressure that is part of living in a densely populated area. Additionally, if a person is juggling a high- stress career whilst living in a metropolitan area, the likelihood of engaging in and continuing to abuse substances is high. For these reasons, it is beneficial to consider short-term addiction treatment in a place that is away from these influences so that the chances of achieving sobriety can increase.

Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab, a renowned treatment center located in picturesque Calistoga in California’s Napa Valley, is proud to offer not just high quality residential treatment programs, but also an effective and transformative 7-day addiction treatment program for high-level executives and other such professionals who are in need of superior care to overcome an addiction to drugs and/or alcohol. At Duffy’s, men and women alike are welcome to participate in this short-term programming option so that they can break free from the chains of addiction by acquiring the skills, confidence, and support needed to jumpstart their recovery processes. Additionally, Duffy’s 7-day program enables the individuals who come for care to benefit from the majestic serenity of being amongst sprawling hills, uninterrupted sunshine, and the healing tranquility of nature outside of urban living.

The 7-day program at Duffy’s features top-notch detox services (if it is necessary to the individual’s care), confidential individual counseling sessions, life-changing group therapy opportunities, and the chance to establish relationships with expertly trained staff and other men and women who are working towards becoming sober as well. Furthermore, if an individual feels he or she would benefit from spending more time at Duffy’s to make more progress in his or her recovery journey, Duffy’s welcomes all participants to extend their stay by taking part in this center’s 30-, 60-, or 90-day residential programs.

Yet another advantageous facet of receiving care at Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab is the inclusion of the family members and other loved ones in the treatment experience. Duffy’s is a treatment center built upon family support. Since its inception, those closest to the individuals who receive treatment have been welcomed to attend Family Day every Saturday so that the mothers, fathers, siblings, spouses, partners, and other loved ones can learn about the disease of addiction, work on their own healing processes, develop a greater understanding of what their loved one is going through, and become a unified front against substance abuse. Family support groups, educational opportunities, and nutritious, chef-prepared meals are provided to all who attend. Additionally, Duffy’s is pleased to offer further family support to prepare men and women to return home by allowing those who are treated and their loved ones to work with Duffy’s Full Circle Support Team so that recovery success can continue long after leaving this life-changing center. The Full Circle Support Team works to help all parties involved create a supportive, sober home environment and generates referrals for continuing care options that will be conducive to maintaining sobriety for the long-term.

If you or someone you care about is in need of all-encompassing, transformative, and short-term addiction treatment that is void of the stress and pressure of city living, look no further than Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab’s 7-day program. In choosing this center to jumpstart a recovery journey, you or an important person in your life can achieve the sober, healthy life that is all people deserve. Call Duffy’s today. A substance-free future awaits.