Category: Methamphetamine

Drug Use on the Job

Here in the Golden State, our communities bustle with a wealth of opportunity. There are countless ways to advance professionally, working alongside leaders in a variety of industries. Here in California, we’re proud of our workforce and all they’ve accomplished, but beneath the surface of career success and economic viability lies an unfortunate truth. Californians … Read More

Prescription Pill Abuse in Sacramento County

Heroin. Morphine. OxyContin. Vicodin. Mention the term “dangerous opioids” to most people, and these four substances are likely to be the first drugs that come to mind. Talk about dangerous opioids with someone in the Sacramento area, and it’s increasingly likely that he or she will add another drug to that list: Fentanyl. A extremely … Read More

The Importance of Leaving the City for Treatment

Stepping away from one’s everyday life poses many advantages when taking on the endeavor of becoming sober. Residential treatment, an option for care that enables men and women to fully focus on recovery in a setting that is free from the temptation of using substances, is a level of care that has helped countless individuals … Read More

Top 10 Most Commonly Abused Drugs and Their Effects

Update: the content in this blog has been modified as of January 2018 to reflect the most recent national survey.* Although it is impossible to measure the extent of drug use, drug use is everywhere. From bathrooms and refrigerators to cars and street corners, alcohol and drug use touch every part of our culture. Recent national data from the Substance … Read More