Category: Book Review

A collection of book reviews on topics such as alcohol and drug abuse, addiction, intervention, living sober, and recovery.

5 Alcohol and Drug Resources Teens Actually Want to Read

“Just Say No” is so last century. Plus, it didn’t work for everyone. To make an impact on our teens, we must use engaging resources that tell the facts about drugs without sounding manipulative or judgmental. Most importantly, these resources must be useful and enjoyable enough that teens will return to these sites and eventually share them … Read More

Stephen King’s Story: Why Recovery is Worth Your Career

“Only a lunatic—a masochistic lunatic—would make booze a regular part of his life.” –Stephen King One of the most common reasons for refusing treatment is work responsibilities. For many, going to treatment is a sacrifice that is too great, too humiliating or too scary. But for Stephen King, sobriety was more important than everything else, even … Read More

Book Review: Love First

Love First is a comprehensive book on intervention. The book extends far beyond a mere outline of the intervention process and provides more than a cursory explanation of addiction. In addition to covering typical issues and problems associated with the intervention process, the authors include a section of tools and resources. Between the detailed explanations, … Read More