Monthly Archives: November 2013

Learn more by reading the Duffy’s Rehab blog. Alcohol-Free Weekend: The Alcohol Awareness Month Challenge.

If you’ve been in recovery for many years, your attitude towards holidays has probably changed a lot since your first years sober.  At first maybe you worried about how to just get through the holidays sober. But now, with so many sober turkeys under your belt, you’re the one giving the advice. Sure, you still have … Read More

Facing the Challenges of Thanksgiving Day: Wisdom from Twitter

Alcoholism: A Three-Fold Disease I once heard someone say in a meeting, “Alcoholism is a three-fold disease: Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s.” And for newbies in recovery, that pretty much sums up how we feel about the disease of addiction—especially at this time of year. Why? Because holidays are a mixed bag of conflicting emotions and desires. … Read More

How Obamacare Affects Rehab: A Fiasco Turned Friendly For a Few

Of the 23 million Americans struggling with alcohol or drug problems, only about 10% receive treatment right now. In the state of California, almost 3 million people aged 12 and over need, but are not receiving, alcohol and other drug treatment. Although certain stigmas and associations motivate many to bypass treatment, about a quarter of these 23 … Read More

Why Methadone Doesn’t Cure Addiction

Methadone maintenance treatment, often used for treating addiction to heroin and other opiates, is often criticized as an ineffective therapy that just replaces one addiction with another. Methadone is certainly a safer alternative to heroin or other street drugs, but using it without understanding its intended purpose can acutally perpetuate a cycle of abuse and addiction. What Methadone is not … Read More

Stephen King’s Story: Why Recovery is Worth Your Career

“Only a lunatic—a masochistic lunatic—would make booze a regular part of his life.” –Stephen King One of the most common reasons for refusing treatment is work responsibilities. For many, going to treatment is a sacrifice that is too great, too humiliating or too scary. But for Stephen King, sobriety was more important than everything else, even … Read More

What makes A.A. successful: how to get the most out of A.A.

The internet has exploded with criticism of traditional 12 step programs. The longer the battle ensues, the more personal opinion and emotion trumps logic and objective presentation. As a result, statistics have been abused, studies on A.A. misstated and opinions formed based on a single study rather than a holistic view of research data. So … Read More