
Recovering a Life from the Devil

In the Arms of the Devil

The devil had taken over my beautiful son. Robert was living about 10 minutes from my house but we would never see him. Of course he would never want me over due to his addiction.

The devil had taken over my beautiful son.

His father and I knew he was addicted and felt so hopeless because he did not want the help. He had turned into a boy that I did not even know anymore.

One day his dad, having Robert on his mind throughout that sleepless night, decided to go over to his house. Robert was there. He had not slept all night and was skipping work.

Well, Robert had hit bottom and his dad told him “son it is time to go.” After letting him sleep a little longer, he helped him pack and drove him to Duffy’s.

Beyond Help?

The first week went by and my sister and I went to see Robert. It was not a good experience.

Immediately I could tell Robert was angry with me as he wouldn’t look at me face to face. It was so hard, being the mother that I am. I always put Robert first in everything and now he wouldn’t even look at me. My sister and I left feeling bad and hoping he would just make it through the program.

A Life Saved from Addiction

Well, with the help of the wonderful doctor, counselors and support, when I came back to see him he was happy, energetic, and said he wanted to come and live with me for about a year so I could watch over him.

I opened my arms and said “you can come and stay as long as you need too.” My son was back and he was happy—something I had not seen for years due to the drugs he was hooked on!

I am writing this story because when I was so down and depressed I had the support from friends, family and Al-Anon. I found out that I was not the only one going through this.

I want to take this time to thank the staff, counselors and the doctor that helped Robert heal. You can get through addiction and live a happy life—my son is proof of it!

You can get through addiction and live a happy life—my son is proof of it!

He has been clean for three plus years and celebrates with happiness every year that he made it another year. He is healthy, happy and successful.

Thank you Duffy for all you do.


Getting Help

If you have a loved one who needs help getting through addiction to find a happy life in recovery, you may want to consider holding an intervention. Our intervention Guide will teach you what you need to know to hold a successful intervention and get your loved one to treatement where they can begin to heal.