Category: After Rehab

This is an exciting time–your loved one is coming home from treatment! But how should you prepare to help them? How will help them in this new recovery stage? What should you say to support them? What do you do if they falter? And what about all the practical questions–like job, hobbies, and events on the social calendar?

12 Tips on Staying Sober This Holiday

These 12 simple and timeless tips can help you stay sober over the holidays. (from the December 1978 Hummer, adapted from Box 459) Line up extra A.A. activities for the holiday season. Be host to A.A. friends, especially newcomers. Keep your A.A. telephone list handy. Find out about special holiday parties. Skip any drinking occasions you are nervous … Read More

Why I’m Thankful for Sobriety

As our time of thanks nears, I am recalling the many Thanksgiving meals I have attended. Generally, the group that I’m with will pause before indulging, and share the things they are grateful for. Health, having a job, and being with loved ones’ seem to prevail as standard statements. Everyone that I am close to … Read More

I Write This with over 20 Years of Sobriety

[Dedicated to C. Greaves, counselor, who could confidentially say, “I tell people what they already know, but have hidden from themselves.”] As a young adolescent, I found myself to be the class joke. Overweight, awkward, tall and acne-ridden, I was prime material for that role. I suppose one could speculate that my classmates chose me … Read More