
Dealing With Breakups: Dating in Recovery, Part 4

It is generally not a good idea to enter into a dating relationship if you’ve just started your recovery. . . but knowing how to handle a breakup in recovery is a good thing to know too. The reality is that at some point you will probably start dating someone in recovery and knowing how handle a breakup without triggering a relapse is important.

Why Are Breakups Harder in Recovery?

Breakups might seem harder in recovery because those of us in recovery want to latch on to someone and not let go of the emotional attachment. Often we want to let our emotions become attached too early.

Remember that emotional attachment should come over time, not on the first date. It is okay to go out casually for weeks or months without getting too attached before deciding you don’t want to start a serious relationship with the person you have been getting to know.

How Can I Navigate a Breakup?

It’s just as important to learn how to move on from relationships as it is to learn how to date.

If your way of life doesn’t match up with the person you have been getting to know, you need to be willing to recognize your life goals might not be best served in a long-term relationship with that person. If that is the case, be willing to present your concerns to the person you have been seeing and accept the fact that it may be time to let go emotionally and move on from the relationship.

The same is true if the person you are seeing feels that their life is going in a different direction from yours. Be willing to accept what they have to say and learn from the experience.

Plan to talk about your experience with your sponsor and surround yourself with helpful friends.