Gratitude Week: Tradition 5 and a Chance to Help Others

“What then could be more appropriate than to set aside Thanksgiving week for discussion of the practical and spiritual values to be discovered in our Traditions?” –Bill W.

November is Gratitude Month, a time to express our gratitude for sobriety. And this week is Gratitude Week, so let’s explore one of the Traditions:

Tradition Five states “Each group has but one primary purpose—to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers.”

Tradition 5 helps us in recovery in a number of ways:

(1) Many of us wouldn’t be expressing gratitude for sobriety if it weren’t for others sharing this gift in light of Tradition 5 and Step 12.

(2) Tradition 5 gives us focus among all the distractions.

(3) It reaffirms the value we have as individuals.

The 12×12 says, “The unique ability of each A.A. to identify himself with, and bring recovery to, the newcomer in no way depends upon his learning, eloquence, or on any special individual skills.” So, no matter if you’re a Ph.D. or a high school graduate, you have an experience that can help others acheive sobriety.

(4) Tradition 5 helps us practice spiritual principles: to love and be of service to others, and give them hope; to have the courage, honesty and humility to share our experiences.

What practical and spiritual values have you discovered in Tradition Five? What are you thankful for in your sobriety? Share in the comments below!