The Importance of Family Support During Treatment

For many individuals, struggling with an addiction to alcohol and/or other drugs can be a painfully lonely experience. A great deal of time is often spent acquiring, using, and recovering from the abuse of the substance(s) upon which one has become dependent. Additionally, those who are addicted to alcohol and/or other drugs frequently give up once-importance activities and meaningful relationships in favor of drug use, which can, unfortunately, cause strain within or the demise of friendships and familial connections. Furthermore, grappling with an addiction also often causes a person to experience a downward spiral of negative emotions. From feelings of self-defeat, to self-loathing, to profound feelings of sadness and despair, being addicted to substances is typically not an enjoyable experience. For these reasons, and more, it is important for an individual suffering from chemical dependency concerns to have the support of loved ones before, during, and after treatment is sought.

Family support is one of the greatest advantages that a person can have when taking on the endeavor of seeking treatment for an addiction. Prior to the start of treatment, loved ones may feel as though their efforts were moot or that their attempts to motivate their loved one into becoming sober were fruitless. However, once an individual opts to receive care to overcome an addiction, the support of those closest to him or her becomes more important than ever before.

As previously stated, battling an addiction can be lonely. Though with family support, the loneliness of addiction is thwarted. Many individuals addicted to drugs and/or alcohol begin to feel as if they are alone in their struggles and that no one cares enough to help him or her break free from his or her anguish. With the backing of one’s loved ones, however, feelings of isolation can begin to diminish, which can then inspire an individual to press on in his or her efforts to achieve recovery and sobriety.

Yet another reason why it is important and beneficial for a person to have the support of family members during treatment is the encouragement that can be offered throughout the process. While engaged in programming to defeat an addiction, it is easy to feel like giving up. After all, breaking free from seemingly engrained behaviors and thought processes is no simple feat. However, with support from meaningful people, staying on track can be a bit easier when a person knows that he or she has a cheering section in his or her corner.

Finally, it is crucial to have family support during treatment because of what it can do for an individual and his or her loved ones once treatment is complete. Partaking in care for an addiction, specifically via residential treatment, can afford not just the person addicted to substances with many benefits, but those closest to the individual stand to gain a great deal as well. Many addiction treatment programs offer psychoeducational opportunities that can inform friends and family members about substance abuse. These opportunities supply invaluable information, provide awareness of the resources available to loved ones, and arm friends and family members with the support and skills needed to help the person they care about in the most beneficial ways possible. Additionally, involvement in the treatment process can help all involved become a united front against addiction, which can further help a person maintain his or her confidence in being able to refrain from the use of substances and remain on the path of lifelong recovery.