What is it like to go to rehab? What is your biggest fear about coming to rehab? What even is rehab? When asked, many of Duffy’s guests replied that their biggest fear was the unknown. What should I expect? Will I like it?
And no wonder people worry. When most people think of rehab, they often picture people in a sterile, cold, clinical setting that resembles a cross between a hospital and government institution. This idea creates a fearful and negative attitude about rehab. In reality, this picture could not be further from the truth. As guests discover, there is nothing institutional or sterile about Duffy’s.
With our family-oriented approach, Duffy’s caring, friendly, and honest environment will make you feel like you’ve just found you’re second family. In the weeks, or months, of your stay, you will meet wonderful people, eat delicious food, and form life-long friendships. You will have a full schedule while you are at Duffy’s, but you will also have time to relax and have fun.
From the moment I got here, I felt like I was at camp. It didn’t feel like I was at rehab. People were so warm and friendly. . .We learned how to laugh here—laugh at ourselves, laugh at our disease. I think the laughter was really essential to healing because you get to laugh at yourself and don’t take yourself quite so seriously.” –Pam, former Duffy’s guest
Here is what a day looks like in rehab:
A General Day in Addiction Rehab |
7:00 | Breakfast—start out the day with a fresh, nutritious meal |
8:45 | Community Meeting—guests gather together to voice questions or concerns about the day’s schedule |
9:15 | Lecture—address topics related to addiction and recovery, based on the Twelve Step philosophy |
10:30 | Specialty Group—interact with your peers to learn from and share with others on your journey of recovery |
11:15 | Free Time—hang out with friends or beat somebody at ping-pong (check out our full list of activities) |
12:00 | Lunch |
2:00 | Free Time—naptime, anyone? |
3:30 | Duf Video—watch an informative (and entertaining) video capture of a past A.A. meeting or educational lecture, led by our founder,Gene Duffy. |
5:00 | Dinner—family style dinner with volunteer kitchen duty |
6:30 | Birthday Chip Meeting—meet alumni who are receiving a birthday chip for every year they’ve been sober |
8:00 | Movie |
9:30 | Evening Snack |
11:00 | Bedtime/Light’s Out |