Category: Opioids

Women Prescription Drug Overdoses Skyrocket

When you think of a devastating and common cause of death among women, you probably think about breast cancer, the most common cancer among women in the United states. You probably don’t think about prescription drug overdoses. But it’s true—recent data shows that more women die from prescription painkiller overdoses than from breast cancer. The CDC (Centers … Read More

How Oxycontin Caused an Increase in Heroin Abuse

When Purdue Pharma released a new, abuse-resistant version of Oxycontin in 2010, many thought we had taken a solid step toward reducing the abuse of prescription drugs. As it turns out, they were correct; the new coating on Oxycontin did reduce prescription drug abuse. A study released by the drug manufacturer reported that since the reformulation of the … Read More

What is My Risk for Getting Addicted to Prescription Drugs?

Painkiller addiction has hit the news pretty hard this year, shocking the nation with triple digit statistics about the prescription drug epidemic. If your someone who has just been prescribed pills from your doctor, you might be wondering what your chances are of getting addicted to them. The data out there is confusing with studies citing vast differences, … Read More

Top 10 Most Commonly Abused Drugs and Their Effects

Update: the content in this blog has been modified as of January 2018 to reflect the most recent national survey.* Although it is impossible to measure the extent of drug use, drug use is everywhere. From bathrooms and refrigerators to cars and street corners, alcohol and drug use touch every part of our culture. Recent national data from the Substance … Read More

TD Hydrocodone to Compete With Zohydro

Earlier on this blog, we shared that the San Diego pharmaceutical company Zogenix was planning to file an application in early 2011 to release its new drug—Zohydro. This product would put the *opioid drug hydrocodone on the market for the first time in its 100% pure form. (Traditionally, hydrocodone has been mixed with non-addictive drugs like acetaminophen.) … Read More