How to Find the Best Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center

There’s so much pressure surrounding the process of finding a treatment center for alcoholism and drug abuse. People often think they have to find the onethat there’s just one perfect treatment center for them out of the more than 11,000 in the United States.

Perhaps people think that the best treatment center is the one that will cure their addiction. That’s perfectly logical until you understand the nature of addiction—it’s not curable. Even the most “successful” treatment centers have alumni that relapse.

Is There Just One Right Treatment Choice?

In reality, the success of any treatment center depends so much on the person in treatment—their attitude, their willingness to change and their motivation to do so. While much of the success depends on the one being treated, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t care about finding the right fit, as treatment centers can play a critical role in helping people achieve long-term sobriety.

But the perfect treatment is simply the one that provides a solid foundation for a successful life in recovery. A quality treatment program will equip a person with the knowledge and tools necessary to live a successful life in sobriety. And you may find that more than one center meets this criteria.

5 Elements of a Quality Treatment Center

To ensure a solid foundation for lasting sobriety, you’ll want to be sure that the treatment centers you’re considering have the following elements:

  1. Accreditation Make sure the treatment center is accredited by the state in which it’s located. You should be able to find this on the center’s website. You can also use the SAMHSA facility locator which includes private and public treatment centers that are licensed, certified, or otherwise approved for inclusion by their state substance abuse agency.
  2. Licensed professionals The entire treatment staff doesn’t need to have a PhD, but looking at education and certification is one way to tell if a treatment team is qualified. You also want to look for an experienced team, whether that experience comes through their own stories of recovery or the number of years they’ve been in the field.
  3. Relapse prevention and aftercare Good treatment programs will focus on relapse prevention and offer aftercare—because they recognize that rehab is just the beginning of recovery. They are committed to your sobriety even after you walk out their doors.
  4. Personalization and family involvement Everyone’s struggle with addiction is unique and every addiction affects the entire family. Good treatment centers will have a treatment plan that’s tailored to you, and they will also include some type of family program.
  5. Comfortable environment It’s hard to heal when you’re uncomfortable. For some, a comfortable environment may be in a big city near an ocean, while others find beauty in quiet mountains. The same goes for atmosphere, which is evident by the spirit of the staff and their approach toward addiction. Visiting a treatment center is the most effective way to determine if the environment will be comfortable for you.

Choosing the Best One

After you gather your list of quality treatment centers, how do you pick one? There are other elements that aren’t essential to recovery itself, but are still important to consider. These would include factors such as cost and amenities. Using these secondary elements can help you narrow down your choices.

Even after all your research, you still may not feel sure that you know which option is the best. But it’s important to realize that there isn’t a “perfect” treatment center. In the end, the ultimate deciding factor for success is the one in treatment.

Rehab provides you with the tools and skills for recovery, but the individual must accept the help and use it. As long as they are ready and willing to change, you’ve picked the best one.

If you have any additional questions about choosing a treatment center, call Duffy’s today. (707.348.4874)