Top 12 Holiday Tips for Staying Sober this Christmas and New Year’s Eve

Holiday parties without liquid spirits may still seem to be a dreary prospect to new A.A’s. But many of us have enjoyed the happiest holidays of our lives sober–an idea we could never have dreamed of, wanted, or believed possible when drinking.

Here are some tips for having an all-around ball without a drop of alcohol:

  1. Line up extra A.A. activities.
  2. Host A.A. friends, especially newcomers at your home.
  3. Keep your A. A. phone list with you at all times (i.e. in your cell phone!)
  4. Find special holiday parties, meetings, or other celebrations given by groups in your area to attend.
  5. Skip any drinking occasion you are nervous about.
  6. If you have to attend a drinking party and can’t take an A.A. with you, take candy.
  7. Don’t believe you have to be stay late or be the last person to leave.
  8. Go to church. Any church.
  9. Don’t sit around brooding—catch up on books, museums, walks and letters.
  10. Take it one day at a time—don’t start worrying now about holiday temptations in the future.
  11. Enjoy the beauty of the holiday love and joy.
  12. “Have had a . . . “ (No need to spell out the Twelfth Step here. . .)