Yearly Archives: 2011

Proposed New Painkiller Zohydro Could Put Hydrocodone in a Pure Form on the Market

Anyone who has worked in rehabilitation for some time knows that becoming addicted to pain killers is a common way patients become substance-dependent. Unfortunately, prescription drug dependency is one of the saddest forms of dependency since the patient often becomes dependent after seeking some form of relief from doctors for his or her chronic pain … Read More

5 Tips to Help Loved Ones Survive New Year’s Eve Without Drugs or Alcohol

It’s here. A difficult time of the year—New Year’s Eve—for recovering addicts and their loved ones. Between the late night and non-stop partying, there is probably no night more difficult for recovering addicts than December 31st. How can you help your loved ones, recovering from their addiction, survive their first New Year’s Eve? Make Love … Read More

What Are Your Tips for Staying Sober During the Holidays?

We recently asked some of our friends on our Facebook page what tips they had for navigating the holiday season as a newly sober person. Thanks for all the responses! “Bring your OWN car to any gathering , so if things get uncomfortable you can leave.” – Tom Attend Alkathons and to surround yourself with sober people and your sponsor. –Nick … Read More

Obama Declares December 2011 as National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

According to a CNN article from December 2010, Christmas and New Year’s show a significant increase of alcohol-related accidents over the rest of the year. The article quotes Kenneth R. Warren, acting director of the National institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, who identifies the statistical significance that “during Christmas and New year’s, two to three times … Read More