What Is the Cost of Addiction?

Addiction comes at a price. There’s no debate about it. But how much of a price? Addiction is really good at not telling us just how costly it really is.

Addiction is costly in multiple areas:


People who may have a difficult time paying rent or buying groceries somehow find money to buy drugs. The true cost is variable and it often creeps into a person’s finances without notice.


The latest scientific studies show the life expectancy of drug addicts to be just 15 to 20 years after they start using.


Suicide ranks 10th among the leading causes of death in America—and drug and alcohol abuse comes in as the number 2 cause of suicide.

Every addiction is different and so is the price you pay to maintain its destructive lifestyle. For example, the cost to a teenager experimenting with heroin is very different than that of a middle-aged meth addict who has been using drugs for most of his/her life.

The long-term costs of your addiction or that of a loved one depends on several variables:

  • The drug(s) of choice
  • The amount of money spent on the drug(s) each day or month
  • Gender
  • Age

Get answers to the important questions:

How much money will you spend on drugs during the next 25 years?

How does the financial burden of your addiction compare with the cost of a 30-day stay at a residential treatment program?

What if you invested all of the money you’re currently spending on drugs? What could you do with that money?

How is your drug use affecting your brain, your nervous system or your fertility?

What do you sacrifice for addiction? Your family? Your job? Your life?

Find out exactly what addiction is costing you or a loved one. It’s not too late to get answers and start the recovery process. It will have a positive effect on your pocketbook, your body and your life.