Monthly Archives: June 2014

Why the Family Is Key in Addiction Prevention

Substance dependence and other addictions are influenced by many factors including genetics, environment and personal character, but the family plays a key role in shaping the development of children. Because children often take on the habits of their parents, family dynamics are very important. Healthy parenting is one of the most powerful factors in preventing … Read More

Addiction and Motherhood: Sheila Ganz has a Powerful Story to Tell

Addiction is hard—we all know that. But as a mother, going through an addiction means your baby girl or little boy goes through it with you. The documentary On Life’s Terms: Mothers in Recovery tells the gripping stories of five mothers battling addiction while trying to care for their children. Since its premiere in April, the film … Read More

Defending the Spirituality of Alcoholics Anonymous: Thoughts for Meditation

Salon recently published a stellar article in defense of the spirituality of Alcoholics Anonymous. In several poignant paragraphs, this article reminds us of the purpose of the 12 steps, clarifies the third step in light of the third tradition. For people at meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous do not speak of drinking, they talk about living: about living … Read More