Category: Alcohol

Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab has provided exceptional alcohol addiction treatment in Northern California near San Francisco, Sacramento, and Chico.

Why I Work with Alcoholics

Our founder, Gene Duffy is a living legend, a daily inspiration, and our all-time favorite person to quote. Not long after he became sober, Gene dedicated himself to helping others find freedom and recovery (read Gene’s story). Patrick, a Duffy’s counselor, said, “What I know about Gene Duffy is that he was absolutely passionate about … Read More

5 Outrageous Drunk Stories

Had a little too much last night? Everyone does weird things when they’re drunk. And some of them can be quite embarrassing–perhaps this is why NCADD has declared April as Alcohol Awareness Month. Here are some of the most outrageous and embarrassing stories that happened as a result of alcohol: 1. Stealing a Penguin While enjoying … Read More

What is Alcohol Awareness Month?

Held every April, Alcohol Awareness Month is a national effort to highlight the effects of alcoholism and alcohol-related problems. At Duffy’s, we are passionate about helping those who are struggling with alcohol, so we are excited to participate in this special month on our blog. Who Sponsors Alcohol Awareness Month? The National Council on Alcoholism … Read More