Category: Family

Gene Duffy, founder of Duffy’s, consistently used to say that “Duffy’s was a family business for a family problem.” Addiction doesn’t affect just the addict or alcoholic–it affects his or her entire family and circle of friends. The following are a collection of blog posts and articles designed to help you understand the disease of addiction, so you can better support and encourage your loved one during this difficult time.

Getting them to Treatment Part 2: Leverage during an intervention

In Part 1 of How to influence an addict to enter treatment, we talked about how to detach ourselves form the problem to become part of the solution. Here, we talk about how you can use your relationship with the addict as leverage during an intervention. If you realize that you’ve been enabling your loved one, then you need to use this … Read More

Getting them to Treatment Part 1: Detachment instead of Enabling

When you love someone who is struggling, you want to do anything you can to wipe the hurt away. However, we often enable a loved one’s destructive behavior without realizing it because we think we’re helping them. Enabling is facilitating the progression of a problem by protecting others from the consequences of their own actions. That … Read More

How Genetics Influence Addiction

Substance abuse affects everyone differently, which is what makes addiction an unpredictable disease. One person may become addicted after using a drug only one time, while another occasionally uses the drug for years without developing a dependence. Environmental and social factors play a big role in whether or not a person will form an addiction, … Read More

How to Love an Addict: Five Steps Toward Genuine Love

“I can’t stand back and watch them throw their life away, but I can’t make them change. I want to love them, but I don’t even know how right now. Is there anything I can do?” Loving the unloveable It’s not that your loved one is a completely unlovable person. But let’s face it, they are doing things that … Read More